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Austin Paul Kallus - Online Memorial Website

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Austin Kallus
Born in Texas
18 years
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Lenette Horton Encouraging Words August 30, 2008

To the Family and Friends:


I would like to express my deepest sympathy to each of you. Although we are not acquainted with one another, we all know what it feels like to lose one of our loved ones to death. Our Heavenly Father feels the pain that you are going through. He promises that the day is soon to come in which he will wipe the tears of sorrow from our eyes forever and death will be no more. (Revelation 21:3-5) He also promises that all those in the memorial tombs (graves) will hear his voice and come out. (John 5:28,29) Until his words are fulfilled may each of you continue to take comfort in him.

Debi Collins Mom to Angel Andrew August 29, 2008

I went to visit my son't site as I do each night and every morning, and I came across this special tribute. I was amazed, absolutely shocked, that a brother would take the time to write such heartfelt words to his younger brother on the day of his death. You are a fine young man Zack, expecially knowing that right now, your heart isn't really sure what has happened or how your life will change. Austin must mean so much to you and I'm sure that he's looking down from Heaven and thanking you for keeping his memory going. I didn't even attempt to create a site for our son until one year after his death. Andrew died of head injuries sustained in a car accident on July 16th, 2005.

May God be with you and your family and friends.

My prayers,

Debi Collins

Please visit Andrew's site if and when you feel that you can.

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