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Austin Paul Kallus - Online Memorial Website

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Austin Kallus
Born in Texas
18 years
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"I am going to concentrate on what's important in life. I'm going to strive everyday to be a kind and generous and loving person. I'm going to keep death right here, so that anytime I even think about getting angry at you or anybody else, I'll see death and I'll remember."

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Austin Paul Kallus who was born in Plano Presbyterian Hospital on November 6, 1989 and passed away on August 29, 2008. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.

--This is a VERY new website. Austin deserves so much more than this but I'm not ready to make a full-out tribute and probably won't be for a while.--

::I know Austin would want us to be happy in knowing that he was at peace before he died. He told me that he wasn't quite ready to go, that there were still a few things he wanted to see and do, but that if it was God's will, he could definitely adjust. There was such a drastic change in his life over the past few weeks. It just shows the amazing power of God. Knowing all this, that he's in a better place, for some reason doesn't make the burden any lighter. He's my little brother. He was a major part of my world and to have it taken away so quickly, after such hope...its almost unbearable. Austin had a pretty hard life compared to most teens; he was abused as a child by selfish and proud parents, and he often fell in with all the wrong groups. But he didn't stay with them for long. Even with the many things that happened to him, he was the sweetest kid you'd ever meet. Mistakes were made, but soon enough, corrected. He was diagnosed with endocarditis a few weeks back that he received from an infected needle. Just hours before he was scheduled for surgery on August 29, his heart gave out while he was sleeping. I'm going to miss him and the ache I feel in my heart will never go away. Rest in peace, chief. I'll always miss and love you.::

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He really liked his senior pics, but never admitted it.
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